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Repbase Reports

2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
February 28, 2007
Copyright © 2001-2024 - Genetic Information Research Institute, California, USA
ISSN# 1534-830X

110. CR1-1_DWil, a family of young CR1 retrotransposons from the Drosophila willistoni genome.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122. Kolobok, a novel superfamily of eukaryotic DNA transposons.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
123. MARINER2_MT: Mariner-type DNA transposon from barrel medic.
124. MuDr3_MT: Non-autonomous DNA transposon from barrel medic.
125. piggyBac-N1_DWil, a family of non-autonomous piggyBac DNA transposons from the Drosophila willistoni genome.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.

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