Repbase Reports

2009, Volume 9, Issue 10
October 31, 2009
Copyright © 2001-2024 - Genetic Information Research Institute, California
ISSN# 1534-830X
Page 2162


P DNA transposon from Trichomonas vaginalis - a consensus.

Key Words:
P; DNA transposon; Transposable Element; P-1_TV
Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomonas vaginalis
Eukaryota; Parabasalia; Trichomonadida; Trichomonadidae; Trichomonas
[] Authors:
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
First examples of protozoan P DNA transposons.
Repbase Reports 9(10), 2162-2162 (2009)
This is a young family of P DNA transposons identified in the Trichomonas vaginalis genome. The consensus was derived from multiple alignment of ~20 copies of P-1_TV, which are less than ~2% divergent from each other. P transposase is encoded by a singe ORF. TIRs are 20-bp long (4 mismatches). The genome contains over 300 copies of a non-autonomous deletion derivate of P-1_TV, called P-1N1_TV. It is very likely that P-1_TV is still active. The T. vaginalis genome harbors several families of autonomous P transposons. In addition to P-1_TV, we derived also a complete consensus sequence of P-2_TV. All these transposons are characterized by 8-bp TSDs and unusual 5'-AAAGG and CCTTT-3' termini (5'-CA and TG-3' in reported P transposons from other species). P transposase is the main feature of P transposons that differs them from other superfamilies of DNA transposons. The P transposase core conserved in all known P transposons is ~400-aa long. It contains three D and one E residues, which are universally conserved and form a putative catalytic center (usually DDE or DDD in transposases from other superfamilies). The P transposase core profile derived [6] from highly diverse 40 transposases encoded by P transposons from major eukaryotic kingdoms (including protozoa [6], viridiplantae [4], and metazoans [1,2,3,5]): X(74-89)-h-h-h-D-E/A-h-X(67-116)-D-X4-N/Y-X(27-50)-D-X2-P-h-X-K-X2-K/R-N/T/S-X(166-297)-L/F-N/T/S-Q/T/S-X3-E-N/H/T/Q-h-F/N-X3-R-X. P elements are also present in numerous fungi (P transposase in fungi).
[6] (Consensus)
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