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Visual Repbase

Last modified
02-Feb-2017 21:59


VisualRepbase is a Java interface for the study of occurrences in the whole annotated genome. You can download version 1.0 of the jar file which contains the interface here.

To use the interface you must enter a valid Repbase login and password. We advise first-time users to click on the "Manual" button of the interface or view the manual online here.

To launch the interface, you must double click the icon or type: "java -jar VisualRepbase.jar" in your command line terminal.

If you search many chromosomes in the interface (e.g. all chromosomes of human genome), the interface could run out of the memory allocated by Java. You can expand Java's memory limits by typing "java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar VisualRepbase.jar" in your terminal. The values after "Xms" and "Xmx" must not exceed 2048, and the values must be a multiple of 128M. The "Xmx" value must not be less than the "Xms" value.

Software needed before running the interface

The Sun JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.4.0 or above must be installed on your system in order to execute the program.

New annotated genomes

If you would like the institute to add a new genome, please contact webmaster@girinst.org.


Tempel S, Jurka M, Jurka J.
VisualRepbase: an interface for the study of occurrences of transposable element families.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 Aug 18;9:345.

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